Thursday, 30 September 2010

Happy Birthday Billy James!

News from Woodwork

We are very busy at the moment - we were approached by the waste dept of Aberdeenshire council to design a store for wheelie bins to be sited in lay byes and car parks. We made a prototype which was picked up and taken to Fraserburgh for close inspection and returned with an order for 8 to be sited throughout Aberdeenshire; the bins are opened and placed inside the store which is locked. The waste department are to trial our bins and if successful a very big order may come our way.
The bins are made entirely from recycled wood (pallets) and on the same theme we have designed and built a recycle tidy which are going on sale to the general pubile in the next three weeks again built entirely from recycled pallets.
Our horse signs are ready for a long jounrney, they have been made for a woman who has stables in Bahrain she visited us some weeks ago and was well impressed with the signs; she had one made and returned and placed an order for another 10. They are made from solid oak with the name routed into the wood and painted again. These are made from whisky barrels which were being thrown out from a local from a local distillery and we got the offer which we snapped up affer a lot of hard work.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

A Rainy Day at Eden

This is Peter cutting up cabbages for the chickens.
This is Harry watering the chickens!

This is me picking the cabbages.

Here I am again picking the cabbages in the rain.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

photography group

Some of the results of our photo collages we started months ago! We downloaded new software called Picassa which allowed us to make these collages in seconds. Enjoy...


The Banff Buzz team are back at work getting ready for the Christmas Edition of the magazine. Last Thursday the team interviewed Eleanor from the Gardenstown heritage centre. We would like to say a big thank you to Eleanor for coming in and sharing her amazing stories.

Horse Riding

Lady in Red

Red is nae my favourite colour but today i am the lady in red; i love wearing it in the winter becouse it's nice and bright.

Photography Group

Monday, 27 September 2010

Banff Buzz

Embedded in the blog...We hope this is clearer for you...Click on the images to enlarge...

Friday, 24 September 2010

Harry's News

In today's Harry's news, the Commonwealth games in India has gone bad after the bridge to the stadium collapsed and injured 23 people; it has also been suggested that the athletes village is dirty and is a health and safety hazard. Some athletes have already pulled out and some teams may also pull out.

The Iran President has made remarks to the UN about 9/11. His remarks suggested that the US government were responsible for 9/11. There have been protests in Western countries in USA, Canada , all EU countries and Costa Rica.

That's Harry's News.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

New Line At B.E.A.T

While holidaying in Connecticut America Stuart visited a skip site where there was an exchange shed for people to drop off or pick up unwanted items free of charge instead of them going to landfill. Stuart felt that it would be a good idea to do something similar at B.E.A.T.

From that some members of the B.E.A.T. team visited various project/ businesses in Aberdeenshire and Moray to find out from other peoples experiences, what would and wouldn’t work in the area. Seeing how successful these projects were the team discussed the possibility of starting up the furniture recycling how we would go about it.

After a lot of research and preparation on the 1st July 2010 B.E.A.T. added a new area to their project.

The furniture recycling is set up in Unit 14 where anyone can pop in during opening hours.

BEAT accepts all types of furniture and household goods. We check the items and price them accordingly, Soft furnishings must have the fire Retardant label still attached. We will also be doing electrical goods and these will be checked and tested. Debbie and Stuart have carried out training to do this and the team are now looking into purchasing a P.A.T. Portable Appliance Testeras soon as possible.

BEAT IS WORKING closely with Aberdeenshire Councils Waste Section with regards to this project and has their full support.

We can collect and deliver, for a small fee’ in the local area. The project has only been running for a few weeks and is already proving very successful.

As well as saving items from going to landfill it has also opened up new experiences and training for the B.E.A.T team. Everyone is involved in the project in some way of form.

Friday, 17 September 2010

Photo Friday Trip to Banff Castle - North East Open Studios

Today the photo group went on a trip to Banff castle to see a painting and photo exhibition which was part of the NEOS (North East Open Studios) event. The East Wing had a camera obscura set up as well as displays of pinhole photography. John Glynn, Nick DOlphin and Jemima Chillingworth who have all worked for Banff day Services were exhibiting various works.

Other news from photography...

The group have started to enter an online photo competition called Photo Friday. Every week the site has a new theme and we have decided take part. Last week the theme was Daybreak (not many managed to get up at 6.30am to capture the sunrise!) and this weeks theme is reflect. Click on the below link for the site and see if you can find our photos on there...

Harry's News

In today's Harry's news, the Pope has visited Britain for the first time in over 30 years. He visited Princes street in Edinburgh in Scotland, visited Glasgow and visited Holyrood to see the Queen. There has been lots of troubles with the Pope's visited due to catholic scandals in the church.

In other news in the gulf of Mexico, the BP oil well is going to be fully fixed on Sunday for good after the oil leak spilled into the gulf of Mexico and washed up onto the shore destroying the beachs and wildlife.

In other news in Sri lanka, an bomb attack has killed 60 people due to the rebel groups against the govement their and to get power for thenselfs and the govement is hoping the violance will stop.

That's Harry's News.

Friday, 10 September 2010

Dance Ability Workshop

Dance Ability is a 'City Moves' project for people of mixed ability. I went with Paul and Justyne from 'Acting up' to the first of six workshops held at Woodend barn Banchory. The workshop was led by Lynn Brown we met people from the Scolty Center and Newton Dee members. I enjoyed seeing everyone getting involved and dancing together Lynn was a great leader

Thursday, 9 September 2010

The Banff Buzz - e-edition

The Banff Buzz can now be found here ....Click on this link...

We will try in the future to embed the magazine into the blog.....Coming soon!

The Winter/Spring edition of the Infomag can also be found here....PLease click on the link....

Banff Day Services Raft Race Night

In this weeks Banffie dated Tuesday September 7 2010, there is a story about the barbeque evening raft race event titled...
Inclusion success is a raft of laughs
LAST october , a young man with a learning disabilty spoke at a workshop about taunts and jibes made to him by local teenagers as he rode his bicycle through Banff .
He told how this made him feel upset ,hurt and angry .
His remarks were to lead to a project aimed at giving young people with learning disabilties and mental illness more integration into the community
The huge success of that project evolved after Brighter Horizons,a local youth group , and representatives from Banff day services explored ways in which they may be able to provide an opportunity for those with disabilites and local teenagers to work together to promote positive relationships and teamwork...

This story is not on the Banffshire Journal website but can be found in the september 7 2010 edition of the "Banffie."

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

High Winds at Boyndie

High winds at Boyndie (and all over NE Scotland) caused mayhem this lunchtime... Gillian has lost her favourite tree...
Surveying the damage.

Fox had a lucky escape.