Friday, 22 October 2010

Harry's News

In today's Harry's news, the In other news in France their have being huge strikes of people against the France govement for trying to make the retriment age to rise to 60 to 62, but are retriment age is 66.
33 miners trapped in the mine in Chile have being pulled out safely by resurers using an tunnel and an lift to pulled the miners up to the surface. The miners have being in hosptial for an couple of days, but have all since being relesed and doing well. The Chilen people have since being celebriting for the miners and the resurers for pulling the miners out of the mine.

And that's Harry's news.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Seasonal displays at Aabidee Prints

Banff buzz update

The Banff buzz team have been hard at work getting ready for the christmas edition of the magazine . Last week the team interviewed jaqui taylor , one of the trainers from the citizen leadership programme. in the afternoon the team interviewed claire matthews manager of macduff marine aquarium. If you have any ideas for the christmas edition please could you send them in as soon as possible.

Brians garden of eden blog

William beside the chickens.

hedge cuttings

new paving

Me!! taking the net off the raspberries.

The last of the apples lying on the path
Plum tree with no plums
Apple tree with a few apples left

plum tree

Monday, 11 October 2010

red cross

I am warren and i live in banff and i work at the red cross and i have worked at the red cross
for two months and i enjoy it and one day i went across to macduff to drop off close that
i cleared out and droped off at the redcross and saw a notice sign for volenteers needed
for the redcross for workers needed for the redcross shop and went in and required
for the job and got the job at the redcross in macduff and i realy love it and enjoy it

Citizen Leadership Training - A Photo Diary

On October 4th -8th 2010, a group of staff and Service Users underwent Citizen Leadership Training. This training arose from the user and carer forum in 2006. " Citizen Leadership is an activity that happens when Citizens have power and influence and responsibility to make decisions. Citizen Leadership happens when individuals have some control over their services."

There are 8 principles of the Leadership.

1. Potential
Everyone should have their leadership potential recognised.
2. Development
People's Leadership potential can only be fulfilled through opportunities for development.
3. Early Involvement
People who use services and carers must be involved at all stages of developing and delivering services.
4. Person -Centred
Everyone is an individual and should be helped to show leadership in way that suits them best.
5. Information
People need information that is clear to them and they need it in plenty of time.
6. Equality
People use their leadership skills to challenge inequality in services and wider society.
7. Control though Partnership
Citizen Leadership enables people to have more control over their own services, through
working in partnership with those services.
8. Wider Benefit
Citizen Leadership is for the Benefit of other people who use services as well as yourself.

Paul And James underwent training to deliver the programme to both service users and staff
After four days of training the groups came together to present ideas about the best day service. The presentations were full of exciting, innovative ideas about the future of day services. During feedback at the end of the session, everyone confirmed the training was "inspirational, amazing and exciting''. The groups will come together again soon to report on the Training Sessions.

Friday, 8 October 2010

Harry's News

In today's news, the Chilen miners could be out of the collpsed mines in 5 days, the Chilen resure workers have said. They have made an tunnel to the trapped miners to get then out. They have to check the tunnel to see if it is stable and not broking for the miners to get out one by one.

Also in the news, some commonweath games swimmers have being getting the flu from unkown reasons. Some people say the swimming pool is to blame for the illness the swimmers and others saying it is outside the pool, but it is not yet clear were the illness is coming from.

And that's Harry's News.

Friday, 1 October 2010

Harry's News

In Harry's news today, the Chile miners families are suing the company of the mines for millions of pounds due of being resproble for the the mines collasped on the miners and trapping them 700ft below. The resure work for the miners to get out will take a least a month.

In other news today, the oil spill in the gulf of Mexico has stopped, but it has cost BP 7.1 billion dollers to repair the oil well in the gulf of Mexico.

Also in the news, the US senters are still questioning the Scottish govement over the relese of the lockbie bomber and BP links of relsing the bomber and links of making oil wells in Libya for BP.

That's Harry's news.