Friday, 24 December 2010
Happy Christmas to you all! We will be back on January 5th 2011! Have a wondeful break and holiday! xx
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Banff Buzz facebook Page

The Banff Buzz now has its own facebook page. Click on the below link to find:!/pages/Banff-Buzz/137777249612367
Please go on and "like" the Banff Buzz...
Please go on and "like" the Banff Buzz...
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
coiln dey christmas

last tuesday l went on a
christmas outing with beat to aberdeen
we went stopping ate ot jimmy and
cheungs and went to see megamind
ot the cinema
on christmas eve l will stay at
mum and dad we will eat
Tukey and watch christmas
programmes over the festive season
new years eve not sure yet
but we will probably stay in
My Morning 20th December 2010
My Morning @ Banff Day Services Monday 20th December.
Mark McDermott
6.30am My alarm sounds and I begin to assess the conditions by contacting Grampian Police Weatherline then check the internet and Traffic Scotland. I also tune into local radio to gain as much information as possible about road conditions and the weather forecast for the day.
7.00am I begin to phone drivers and discuss with them the conditions. The drivers are arriving at Banff Day Services and inform me that there is 7 inches of snow lying in the car park. I also phone the taxi and bus operators that help with transport to Banff Day Services. It's not good news and seems unlikely that we will be ale to provide transport.
7.10am I upload the day service status to Aberdeenshire Councils Website it is never a easy decision to cancel services but the safety and welfare of both staff and people using the service is paramount. With several inches of snow lying on ice and many side roads untreated it is not feasible to operate transport. We do however plan to open as much of the service as possible.
7.30am I receive a call from the drivers at Banff Day Services. The keyholders to the building have been unable to attend for work due to the snow and staff are sitting in cars outside. I agree to attend work early and unlock the building. As I begin to get showered and dressed the phone continually rings as staff begin to phone in and let me know if they can get to work or not. Its no easy matter juggling a mobile phone and bottle of shampoo in the shower at the same time (Roger).
7.45am The doors to my car are frozen solid and I am unable to get into the car, Bill drives to my house to collect my keys and return to Banff Day Services to let everyone into the building. I defrost the door seals with a kettle of boiling water.
7.55am I arrive at Banff Day Services. The building is unlocked and the driving staff have started to phone the service users they were due to collect and let them know that we will not be picking them up. We try to make contact with as many people as possible and typically on a snow day can make in excess of 100 telephone calls while answering phone calls from service users, parents, carers and staff. The cooks have not been able to make it in and the escort staff have volunteered to help prepare some lunch and provide everyone with a cup of tea.
9.00am As staff begin to arrive for work tasks are set for the day, Stuart arranges for a digger to clear the car park of snow and work begins on clearing snow from footpaths, fire exits and ramps. Once the snow is cleared the car parks and footpaths are salted.
Mark McDermott
6.30am My alarm sounds and I begin to assess the conditions by contacting Grampian Police Weatherline then check the internet and Traffic Scotland. I also tune into local radio to gain as much information as possible about road conditions and the weather forecast for the day.
7.00am I begin to phone drivers and discuss with them the conditions. The drivers are arriving at Banff Day Services and inform me that there is 7 inches of snow lying in the car park. I also phone the taxi and bus operators that help with transport to Banff Day Services. It's not good news and seems unlikely that we will be ale to provide transport.
7.10am I upload the day service status to Aberdeenshire Councils Website it is never a easy decision to cancel services but the safety and welfare of both staff and people using the service is paramount. With several inches of snow lying on ice and many side roads untreated it is not feasible to operate transport. We do however plan to open as much of the service as possible.
7.30am I receive a call from the drivers at Banff Day Services. The keyholders to the building have been unable to attend for work due to the snow and staff are sitting in cars outside. I agree to attend work early and unlock the building. As I begin to get showered and dressed the phone continually rings as staff begin to phone in and let me know if they can get to work or not. Its no easy matter juggling a mobile phone and bottle of shampoo in the shower at the same time (Roger).
7.45am The doors to my car are frozen solid and I am unable to get into the car, Bill drives to my house to collect my keys and return to Banff Day Services to let everyone into the building. I defrost the door seals with a kettle of boiling water.
7.55am I arrive at Banff Day Services. The building is unlocked and the driving staff have started to phone the service users they were due to collect and let them know that we will not be picking them up. We try to make contact with as many people as possible and typically on a snow day can make in excess of 100 telephone calls while answering phone calls from service users, parents, carers and staff. The cooks have not been able to make it in and the escort staff have volunteered to help prepare some lunch and provide everyone with a cup of tea.
9.00am As staff begin to arrive for work tasks are set for the day, Stuart arranges for a digger to clear the car park of snow and work begins on clearing snow from footpaths, fire exits and ramps. Once the snow is cleared the car parks and footpaths are salted.
There are cars stuck on Colleonard Road, 7 inches of snow lying in the car park and Stuart arranges for a digger to help clear snow.
9.30am A small number of service users have braved the cold and snow and made it into Banff Day Services, a range of activities are organised and the computer room is opened up. Boyndie Visitor Centre is open but the access road, car park and footpaths are heavily affected by snow. BEAT has had to close due to blocked access and lack of heating.
10.00 A number of meetings have been planned for the day with staff and service users attending Boyndie Visitor Centre, Val Milne Acting Social Work Manager confirms that she will drive from Aberdeen to Boyndie for the Meetings.
After a hectic morning Val Arrives and the meetings go ahead as planned.
We are all hoping for milder weather and a return to normal as soon as possible. I appreciate how difficult it is for people to be stuck at home. We continue to make every effort to open services and provide support and activities for all those people who can make it in. Please don't forget that you can check on the status of the day service each morning at 7.30am online at
Mark McDermott
Manager Banff Day Services
Friday, 17 December 2010
Pauls Christmas
laura christmas

I will get up early and watch an excited riley open his presents from santa. Then play
with his toys while my mum makes christmas dinner. We will sit down and eat about 3pm, when we have finished i'll slob around while my food digests then maybe go to my friends house and have a christmas drink :)
my christmas day in Fraserburgh

`I am going to fraserburgh for my christmas dinner with my auntie mary's and uncle George and david and anne are coming from glasgow. on christmas eve, permitting no snow, we will have a good time if there is no snow at all we wil open our christmas presents 2010. In macduff In my new home. Ian barron
Thursday, 16 December 2010
Harry's Christmas
Senor Bolster Christmas
Helen's Christmas.
Stacie's Christmas.
Coast Festival In The Banffie
This article was in this weeks Banffie, dated December 14th 2010...
The coast arts festival has launched a new internet blog offering news of the latest development about the event. The online resource is managed by the information technlogy group at banff day services. The blog is available at
and will be regularly updated. The organising committee has also announced that its first annual general meeting will take place on tuesday january 18 at macduff arts centre. The group witch includes repersentatives from community organisations and venues and local artista will be meeting to adopt its new constitution marking the renewal of coast as a community-led festival. Chairman Bryan Angus said: 'The meeting will be open to all, and we would be more than happy to see anyone who wants to get involved. The group has also put out a request for the photographs of this year's festival. Anyone who would like to submit images can e-mail them to: For more information contact Mr Angus 01261 812276.
The coast arts festival has launched a new internet blog offering news of the latest development about the event. The online resource is managed by the information technlogy group at banff day services. The blog is available at
and will be regularly updated. The organising committee has also announced that its first annual general meeting will take place on tuesday january 18 at macduff arts centre. The group witch includes repersentatives from community organisations and venues and local artista will be meeting to adopt its new constitution marking the renewal of coast as a community-led festival. Chairman Bryan Angus said: 'The meeting will be open to all, and we would be more than happy to see anyone who wants to get involved. The group has also put out a request for the photographs of this year's festival. Anyone who would like to submit images can e-mail them to: For more information contact Mr Angus 01261 812276.
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Friday, 10 December 2010
Harry's News
In Harry's news today, Prince Charles and Camilla were attack when visiting an party and the car they were in was damaged by student protesters, still protesting about their turtion fees going up. Charles and Camilla were not hurt during the attack, but their car window was smashed and white paint was throw on the car. They were caught in the students rally about the turtion fees vote, which went though by MPs voting for it coming in to law. The students are going to protest all this week and the police find it hard to control the protesters with some of them getting injuryed.
In other news, the snow has finally melted in Scotland and airports are starting to opened after they were closed by the snow, but many Scottish people blame the Scottish goverment for not getting help quicker for the snow by not listening to the warnings earlier and want Alex Salmond to resign.
That's Harry's news.
In other news, the snow has finally melted in Scotland and airports are starting to opened after they were closed by the snow, but many Scottish people blame the Scottish goverment for not getting help quicker for the snow by not listening to the warnings earlier and want Alex Salmond to resign.
That's Harry's news.
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Monday, 6 December 2010
Friday, 3 December 2010
Harry's News
In Harry's news today, it is snowing in Scotland and it is freezing cold with tempatures down to about -20 in some places. The snow is causing probelms in some places as airports closed and buses not running. The snow is said to stop next week and it says to heat up a bit.
Also in the news, England lost it's bid for the 2018 football world cup as Russia was voted the winner and Qatar won the 2022 world cup bid. England only got 2 votes and was elimated in the first round because FIFA said it was the British media why they didn't voted for England.
Also in the news, student protesters are still protesting about the student turtion fees in England and Wales has annouced that they are not putting up turtion fees and some of the English MPs say the govement sould not put up turtion fees because it is to expansive for students.
That's Harry's News.
Also in the news, England lost it's bid for the 2018 football world cup as Russia was voted the winner and Qatar won the 2022 world cup bid. England only got 2 votes and was elimated in the first round because FIFA said it was the British media why they didn't voted for England.
Also in the news, student protesters are still protesting about the student turtion fees in England and Wales has annouced that they are not putting up turtion fees and some of the English MPs say the govement sould not put up turtion fees because it is to expansive for students.
That's Harry's News.
Thursday, 2 December 2010
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