my birthday was on wednesday the 23rd
and for my birthday i got a new camera and a winnie the pooh ornament and teddy and a necklace and cocktail glass and a charm for my bracelet and money and a balloon.
on the friday night i had a party at harleys in macduff and i had a glass of wine and i waited for my friends to arrive and we had 2 hours of bowling and then a 2 course meal and then i had a birthday cake and a cup of tea and i got lots of presents.
and i had a great time
Monday, 28 February 2011
Blockbusters jobs
Today in advocacy we read about a new government plan to get more people with learning disability into full time employment by 2025. We will find out if this is for people in Scotland as well...
Real jobs for people with a learning disability
The Easy Read Guide : Government strategy to get people with a learning disability into paid work for 16 hours per week by 2025
Also see Valuing Employment Now Dept of Health
Play this with friends....
Real jobs for people with a learning disability
The Easy Read Guide : Government strategy to get people with a learning disability into paid work for 16 hours per week by 2025
Also see Valuing Employment Now Dept of Health
Play this with friends....

Electrician which E fixes lights
Nurses which N works in a hospital and makes beds
Nurses which N works in a hospital and makes beds
Hitman which H is hired to kill people
Butcher Which B sells meat
Postman Which P delivers mail
Repairman Which R fixes things when they are broken
Mechanic Which m works with cars
Gardener which G looks after plants
Teacher which T works with kids and helps you to learn
Doctor which D works in a hospital and helps you get better
Cook Which c makes food
Window cleaner Which w cleans windows
Fireman Which F puts out fires
Artist Which A draws pictures and paints
Sailor Which S works on a boat
Librarian Which L works with books and works in a quiet place
Friday, 25 February 2011
Harry's News
In Harry's news today, there are rioters and protesters now in Libya. The rioters are trying to make the Libyan leader Colonel Gaddaffi step down like the leaders of Tunisia and Egypt,
but Gaddaffi is not steping down and he is trying to use the army to scare and even kill anti-govement protesters. Different countries are trying to evacuate their people to get back to their countries to avoid the violence in Libya. Colonel Gaddaffi has been in power of Libya for 40 years.
In other news, 75 people have died and 225 people are missing in New Zealand after an earthquake hit the capital Christchurch. Lots of buildings have been destroyed and rescuers are trying to rescue the missing, but they are feared dead.
That's Harry's News.
but Gaddaffi is not steping down and he is trying to use the army to scare and even kill anti-govement protesters. Different countries are trying to evacuate their people to get back to their countries to avoid the violence in Libya. Colonel Gaddaffi has been in power of Libya for 40 years.
In other news, 75 people have died and 225 people are missing in New Zealand after an earthquake hit the capital Christchurch. Lots of buildings have been destroyed and rescuers are trying to rescue the missing, but they are feared dead.
That's Harry's News.
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Friday, 18 February 2011
Harry's News
In Harry's news today, the Egyptian President Mubarak has stepped down as leader of Egypt after rioters and protesters rallied against him to step down. There was celebrations in Egypt from the protesters after their leader stepped down and the Egyptians are going to have an election soon for a new leader, but for now the army is controling the country. The protesters are starting to clean up the capital's square after the protesters were camping there and left rubbish in the square.
In other news, in Algeria,Yemen,Libya and Jordan people are also protesting there after they saw what happened to the Egyptian leader - they want the same thing to happen in their countries to make their leaders step down as well, but their leaders are not going to step down and the protests are still going on.
That's Harry's News.
In other news, in Algeria,Yemen,Libya and Jordan people are also protesting there after they saw what happened to the Egyptian leader - they want the same thing to happen in their countries to make their leaders step down as well, but their leaders are not going to step down and the protests are still going on.
That's Harry's News.
Friday, 11 February 2011
Harry's News
In Harry's news today, the riots and protests are still going on in Egypt; yesterday President Mubarak addressed the country saying he will not step down and now the protests are still going on. It has been 18 days since the protests began in Egypt - at least 1 million of the protesters have been camping out at Cario's main square and are not going until the President Murbank resigns.
In other news, the British goverment has made a bank levy tax on the banks after they caused the ressesion in Britain. The tax cost the banks 2 million pounds a year, the banks say they do not like the tax, but the goverment says they have to pay up anyway.
That's Harry's News.
In other news, the British goverment has made a bank levy tax on the banks after they caused the ressesion in Britain. The tax cost the banks 2 million pounds a year, the banks say they do not like the tax, but the goverment says they have to pay up anyway.
That's Harry's News.
Friday, 4 February 2011
Chickens at Garden of Eden
We are getting new chickens at garden of eden, the new breeds of chicken we might be getting are Rhode Island Red, Sussex, Jersey Griant, Austlorp, Orginton and lakevelder. We will be getting them at Thainstone Martket which is near Aberdeen. I also can not wait for my chicken hut that Emma order it for me so I can keep my in it.
Harry's News
In Harry's news today, the riots and the protests is still going on in Egypt and Presient Murbark is still in power of the country, but the Egyptian police have also been starting to protest against the goverment over wages being cut, so the Egyptian army are trying to stop protesters from protesting against the goverment. The protesters have being protesting and staying in Craio's city square and will stay their until the Presient steps down from his leadership.
In other news, in Austialia an Hurricane the size of Italy has hit Queensland and is heading to Brisbane, causing massive damages in it's way. After just a week after the terrible floods that hit Queensland, the Austialian goverment has evecuted people from Queensland to save them from the Hurricane. The Hurricane is to last until next week.
And that's Harry's News.
In other news, in Austialia an Hurricane the size of Italy has hit Queensland and is heading to Brisbane, causing massive damages in it's way. After just a week after the terrible floods that hit Queensland, the Austialian goverment has evecuted people from Queensland to save them from the Hurricane. The Hurricane is to last until next week.
And that's Harry's News.
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