Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Project partners dig in for a flying start

A Garden share project,launched

by Banff Castle Transition Towns

Network group earlier in the year,

is off to a flying start.

Three groups in Banff have joine

forces to create a unique community

garden project where young peopl

in the town can learn about producing

thier own food,care for chickens and

look after the enviorment.

Banff castle community association

are working on the project in partenshi

with Banff Day services,Ist Banff scouts

and the Transition Towns Network.

Harry Rusling,who is in charge of

looking after the chickens,said" I

wanted to be part of the project because

I like chickens,and looking after them.

I think it's a really good thing that other

people in the community can learn about

keeping them."

The community project will be run

through the new Citizen Leadership

programme at Banff Day services.

This scheme is designed to train service

users in developing an leading community

initiactives outwith the traditional

building-based service.

The Banff Scout group are creating

five keyhole gardens within the

walled unused grass area at the castle,

where they are using green cone food

digesters to compost food-wate, which

in turn feeds the soil directly.


This project aims to build community

links,and everyone will share responsibilty

for the chickens and the eggs,and keeping

the weeds under control.

Funding for the five digesters and hand tools

was donated by Banff and Macduff communit

saftey Group,and the chickens and their coops

are being supplied by Banff Day services.

Castle co-ordinator Jay Wilson said: "When

the garden share scheme was launched,we
didn't know what responce we would get.

Everything just came together through

casual conversations with people;you

could say the idea just grew and grew.

"The Scouts started digging their

keyhole gardens last Monday,and

have made quite a difference to the

unused garden already.The chickens

should take up residence at the castle

in about a month."

Keyhole Gardens are an African concept,

where a compost basket is placed in the

middle of a manageable area of garden.

The shape resembles a keyhole.

In africa the heat quickly decomposes

garden waste while feeding the garden,

but in Banff it needs a bit of a helping

hand,which is why the food digesters

are being used.

While the project has been initiated

by three groups,other people who are

interested are welcome to join in.

For further details,contact Jay Wilson

at Banff Castle on 01261 815325 or Emma

Afif-Watt on 07985939980.

Friday, 27 May 2011

COAST 2011 - Robot Making Display at Castlegate - Kingswells Creative Arts Group

coast 2011 - Photography Group at Banff Castle

Harry's News

In Harry's news today, Serbian police have arrested war criminal Ratko Mladic in a northern town in Serbia. He was the leader of the army and is wanted on war crimes in Serbia formerly known as Yugoslavia in the 1990's for the deaths of at least 100,000 Serbian and Bosnian muslims and displacement of 1 million who were executed in Yugoslavia and Bosnia during the Bosnian and Yugoslavia war. He is on trial in the Hague and if he is found guilty he will be executed for his crimes. There is lots of celebrations in Serbia for his capture.

In other news, the G8 summit began in France yesterday with talks about Libya and what to do with the country. The countries there are trying to discuss for a ceasefire in the country to stop the violence and to capture Colonel Gaddifi and his son.

That Harry's News.

vivat and the Buzz team

Yesterday the Buzz team met with the vivat team, the Banff Academy Magazine. we will collaborate on future editions . this is a great outcome for the citizen Leadership group who want to develop more community links. Read our Banff Buzz Facebook page for more news...

Raft race team Building Day

the guys at cullen

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Community Chicken Project in the Press and Journal

Spring Doo 2011

A good night was had by all at the Spring Doo dance which was held at Macduff Bowling Club on Friday the 20th May 2011. An auction was held in aid of local charities.
Two of the Devronside Players were good enough to give up there spare time to help out on the night.

Thank you Kathleen and her team for all there hard work.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Banff Castle Chicken Project

This is my chicken project at Banff Castle with the Scouts. My name is Harry Rusling and we are getting 6 chickens from happy hen hoose in Portknockie for our project. The breed we are are getting is ISA warrens which lay 300 eggs a year each. I'm going to look after them on an Monday and get other people to look after them the rest of the week. I'm getting a run and coup from Boyndie for our chickens. This project is also part of Transition towns network.

If you want to learn about chicken keeping/ get involved contact us at Banff Day Services.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Harry's News

In Harry's news today, the U.N. has made an arrest warrent for the arrest of Colonel Gaddafi, his son and the Duty Minister of Libya on war crimes against the Libyan people. It is belived he has fled to Tunisia to evade capture by the U.N. who want to put him on trial in the Hague. Nato is still using airstrikes against the Libya army in Tripoli; last week an airstrike injured Gaddafi and killed one of sons near his house in Tripoli.

In other news, the Queen Elizabeth of Britain visited Ireland after years of hardship between the two countries. The Queen made a speech in an Irish Parliment Banquet about the hardship between the countries and wished to have change the past, but they have all ready change the future by agreeing peace between the two countries. There was two bombs found which were made by the terrorist group the Real I.R.A in Ireland to try and attack the Queen's visit for renvenge of their past between the two countries.

That's Harry's News.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Stars come to aid of big fund-raiser

Today's article in the Banffie...

Signed items from some of the worlds biggest football stars will be the highlight of a Banff groups fund-raising event.David Beckham, Lionel Messi, Carlos Tevez and Brazils Kaka, as well as televisions Lorraine Kelly, will all feature in an auction to raise funds for the towns Service Users Management Committee.The group is in the final planning stages for its Spring Doo which will see a variety of items signed by famous faces put under the hammer this Friday evening.
All money raised from the event will go towards the Management committee, and if enough is made a local charity or project selected by the group.`Committee member Paul Attwood said This is our main fund raising event of the year. We have collected a huge variety of items that will be put up for auction. It always turns out to be an enjoyable event and is very worthwhile as not only the group benefits but also a community project. Auction items include framed signed football shirts from Lionel Messi, Carlos Trvez and Brazils Kaka. There will also be a signed book from breakfast TVpresenter Lorraine Kelly, a signed poster of David eckham, and signed shirts from Buckie Thistle and Deveronvale from their Highland League title showdown last Saturday.
Previously the group has donated to Macduff RNLI and Banff Health Centre. Its base at Banff Day Services has also benefited from the money raised.Thr evening will also icclude a meal, raffle and disco.Tickets are available from Banff Day Services, or for further information contact Maria Christie by calling [01261] 818281 or Ian McAllister on [01261] 812666.

Harry's Birthday

Harry's News

In Harry’s news today, 80 people have being killed in suicide bombings in Pakistan by Al Qaeda terrorists. It looks like a revenge attack by Al Qaeda because of the death of their leader Osama Bin Laden who was killed in U.S.A raid in Pakistan last week. The U.S.A government have got a lot of information about Al Qaeda from documents and files found in Bin Laden compound and about planned attacks on the U.S.A and other countries.

In other news, the Syria government have sent in tanks to their capital Damascus to try arrest or kill anti-government protesters who are protesting against the government. The U.N. has discuss about putting an no fly zone on Syria like what they are doing in Libya to get their leader Colonel Graddifi out, but he is still their and he is not leaving. There has not being an agreement yet on to put a no fly zone on Syria.

That’s Harry’s News.

Monday, 16 May 2011










Artsability Project 2011

With Ellon Drama Group

latest project at boyndie woodwork

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Car Wash at B.E.A.T.

the Car Wash took place at B.E.A.T. last Saturday. It is part of the Banff Day Services raft race inclusion project which raised £300 for kidney and cancer research.

Friday, 6 May 2011

Harry's News

In Harry's news today, more details have come out about Osama Bin Laden's death and what happened at his compound in Pakistan. It is being said by the US government that Osama bin Laden was unarmed when he was killed at his compound and the only one person who was shooting at the US troops was one of his carriers. The US goverment has also said that they have got photos of his dead body, but are not going to release because of security risks that Al Queda will do revenge attacks against the U.S.A after Bin Laden's death. Also the US government have got a lot of information about Al Queda from the compound and about planned attacks on the US including on the 10th anversity of 9/11 by blowing up a rail route in New York.

In other news, the U.S.A President Barrack Obama has being visiting ground zero where 9/11 happened, he is meeting the victams families and talking about justice for America after Osama bin Laden's death .

That's Harry's News.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Storytelling session with Jessica Hernadez


Jessica Storytelling

Jessica's interactive storytelling of "Winnie the Pooh" inspired by Wednesday Literacy Group, who had great fun re-enacting characters and discussing the story with Jessica after.

Alan and Ian said it was nice to be reminded of childhood stories and to have different people coming in with new ideas to write about.