Monday, 31 October 2011

Musical Performance at Banff Day Services – 10/10/2011

On Monday the 10th of October 2011, I treated Service Users at Banff Day Services to an hour of performed music. I was motivated to do this because I know that people with Learning Disabilities can find great enjoyment through music. I have already attended a Friends of Boyndie Dance and it was there I first realised how much of a benefit music can have for the Service Users. I study music at Aberdeen College, and one of the tasks given to me was to perform in the Community and the gig at Banff Day Services was my chosen project. It first began when I contacted Emma for permission to perform. After being granted permission I immediately started rehearsing. On the day of the performance I played the songs by bands like The Beatles, The Small Faces, The Kinks, Radiohead, Judas Priest and more. It went down well and the feedback I received from Service Users and Carers was positive. If I am given another opportunity to play music for Service Users, I hope to make it a bigger event than the one I have just done. I am pleased to have taken part in such an activity and will do it again if I am given the chance.

Billy Barron

Community Chicken Project Pumpkin Carving and Launch

Friday, 28 October 2011

Harry's News

In Harry's news this week, the new Libyain government have now finally buried their former leader Colonel Gaddifi some where in the Sahara desert in Libya. Colonel Gaddifi was killed with one of his sons hiding in an tunnel under a bridge in his home town of Sirte in Libya. He was killed by an gunshot wound to the head. His body was kept in a freezer for a while in Sirte before finally getting buried in the desert with his dead son.

In other news, the E.U. has now agreed on a plan at an E.U. summit on how to reduce Greece's debt. E.U. countries have now agreed to pay half of Greece's debt, so they will not go bankrupt by it's debts. The world's markets have raised sharply after the news broke out.

That's Harry's News.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Harry's News

In Harry's news this week, the new Libyain government's troops in Libya have mangered to find and kill Colonel Gaddifi in his honetown of Sirte in Libya. He was killed yestnesday when his convoy was getting attack by N.A.T.O planes, so he ran and he hidden in a pipe under an bridge. The new government's troops eventually got him and they dragged him through the streets of Sirte. He was later killed in the crossfire by the new government's troops. Celebrations have been taken place all over Libya and all over the world to celebrate the victory of the new government and it's troops who risk their life's for freedom in Libya.

That's Harry's News.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

For the past few weeks we have noticed the chickens have not been laying very many eggs and there is a few reasons for it

1. The weather effects the chickens egg laying because they are using the energy that they use to lay there eggs to warm thereselves up.

2.the chickens need at least 14 hours of light per day.

Doo'Cot News

Doocot View has a Tenant Meeting once a month to tell us what is on or happening. We have new tables and chairs new blinds. We have had people coming to play for us Artsability is coming to do their thing for us. The staff at the centre plus some new ones get everybody up in the morning and when they go off other ones come on for the rest of the day and get everyone ready for bed at night time. Their is no carers goes in now so it is all go at Doocot View.

by kathleen

Friday, 7 October 2011

Harry's News

In Harry's news this week, China and Russia have veto an U.N. plan against Syria to stop the Syrian government from killing it's own cilivins. Chinese and Russian governments say the U.N. plan is too dangerous and it will cause more harm then good. The U.N. is trying to put sanctions over Syria to stop the Syrian government from killing it's own people and to make it's Presient to step down as leader of the country. It is believed that at least 2900 Syrian people have being killed by the Syrian government.

In other news, computer gaint Apple's creator Steve Jobs has died aged 56 from pancreatic cancer at his home in California.

That's Harry's News.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Disabled people targted by uk Goverment
capability speeks out
since the beginig of the yaer capability has been has been hiting the news regually speaking out against the uk goverments proposted changes to the disability living allowance (DLA) spookespeople from capabillity and a number of our service users most notably ann mccutcheon from lankshire house has been in the news papers and on the television and on the radio calling for `a radical tethink to the planes most recently ann and richard hammer our director of external affairis appered on stv news following A meeting held in edinburgh which brought together disabilirty activists redresentives of disabilty orgainsations including capablillity and the department of work and pensions who are behind the proposed changes puplic consutauions the personal testmony of the people who will be most affected by the propslas and the tesearch evidence from reports like the one commissioned however they may have severley under estimeted disabled peoples anger and passion about this issue and there willinges to enter into battle capbillty the people we supect campain on the issue