Friday, 30 March 2012

Harry's News

In Harry's news this week, in Syria their is still shelling and fighting going on in the city of Homs between government troops and anti-government rebels. The U.N. is still in talks with the Syrian government and the Syrian Presient Bashar al-Assad to stop the volince by calling a creasefire and telling the Presient to resign as leader of the country. There has begin reports that the government troops have begin capturing the rebels children and killing then which is an war crime. The U.N. is looking through the reports about the anti-government rebels children deaths.

That's Harry's News.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Easter Holiday's

What people are doing in the Easter holiday's: Henry will be collecting sticks and tidying the garden for his holiday's. Ian will be cleaning his house and Harry will be going down to Devon in England to see his grandparents for the holidays. Matt will be going out on his bike, Alan will be going to Lossiemouth and Emma will be going up to findhorn and Aviemore for the Easter holiday's and that is everyone's plans for the holidays.

Banff day services closed

Next week Banff day services will be shut for the week due to the easter holidays. We will be back and ready on the 9 th of April the Monday and also we are having a chicken party at banff castle.

Friday, 16 March 2012

Harry's News

In Harry's news this week, in Switzerland an Belgium coach bus carrying school children and teachers from a school trip has crashed in Switzerland killing 28 people which included 22 children and has left dozens injured when the coach bus crashed into a road tunnel wall. The Swiss police are investigating the crash and what caused it.

In other news, Syrian government troops are still killing citizens who are protesting against the goverment and are telling the Syria President Bashar al-Assad to resign. The U.N. wants to call ceasefire to stop the violence in the country.

That's Harry's News.