Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Chicken gone

Two chickens at Banff day serivces Eden project have gone missing or been kill from a predetor that has got into the chicken coup at night. To provent this from happening again, the Eden group have made the chicken coup taller and more anti predetor proof round it. We all hope that no more chickens go missing or get killed at Eden. 


Friday, 2 November 2012

Harry's News

In Harry's news this week, a huge hurricane has hit the east coast of United states of America killing over 80 people and leaving drozens of people homeless. The hurricane is called Hurricane Sandy and it was one of the biggest hurricane's that has hit America in years. The hurricane had mostly hit New York and New Jersey and had cause millions of dollers worth of damage.

In other news, Presient Obama and republican rival Mitt Romney are campaigning though out America for the vote on who will be the next Preisent of United states of America.

That's Harry's News.