Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Boyndie installs planters

The planter were made for Portessie Primary and measure 2 meters square by 800mm deep they were installed and built by Boyndie woodworkers, the boxes are used by the pupils to grow fruit and veg as part of a green project.

Banff Day Services developed from Boyndie Day Centre as a community based service to meet the needs of adults with learning difficulties currently living in the community after leaving hospital or full time education. originally the service began in a public hall in Whitehills, but later moved to the old Primary School at Boyndie, three miles from Banff.
The facility at Boyndie has been retained as a vocational training and business development unit: we currently provide training in four areas, woodwork, horticulture, catering and screen printing. Individuals and other groups make use of the building.
By Alan, Margaret and Jenna

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