Monday, 17 May 2010

Busy Monday

Good afternoon followers. We have had another busy day in the computing room. This morning I printed photos of the Raft Race to make into a scrapbook - there are hundreds so it is taking a long time! Marie typed up the story of the raft project onto the MAC laptop where we are compiling a hard back photo book.

We had Angela in with us today - she is a student nurse from Aberdeen and is here on placement for the rest of the week. She was a great help today so a big thank you to her.

We are all keeping our fingers crossed for Kathleen who is off on holiday to Spain tomorrow. The airport in Aberdeen was open the last time we checked on Twitter so we are hoping it stays that way! Lets hope the volcano has calmed down by tomorrow... Anyway keep following and enjoy Angela's diary below...

Today was my first day in banff day services, i was in the the computer room with emma. me and alasdair were uploading photos of one of the day trips they had been on . also alasdair was telling me a lot of things that he liked i.e. music, films and food. it was fun to get to know him better ! im looking forwrd till tomoro now to see what we will be up to !

angela :)

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