Tuesday 28 February 2012

Mother's Day

In the UK and Ireland, there is a celebration called mothering Sunday, which falls on the fourth Sunday of lent. Most historians believe that it originated from the 16th century christian practice of visiting one's mother church annually on Laetere Sunday, which meant that most mothers would be reunited with their children on this day when young apprentices and young women in service were released by their masters that weekend. As a result of commercializition and secularization, it was then principally used to show appreciation to one's mother, although it is still recognized in the historical sense by some churches, with attention paid to Mary the mother of Jesus Christ as well as the traditional concept ''Mother Church''.

Friday 24 February 2012

Harry's News

In Harry's news this week, a British MP has been arrested for punching and headbutting another MP in the face in a bar. The MP who was arrested was Eric Joyce for Falkirk of the Labour party and has now been charged with common assault. He has also been suspended from the house of commons following the arrest.

In other news, some foreign journalists have been killed in Syria due to rockets shelling the city of Homs. A lot of people have been killed by the government's rockets in the city to get rid of anti-government protesters who have been protesting for months to get rid of the Syrian Presient Basher al-Assad. Marie Colvin, a famous French journalist and reporter of the Sunday Times, was killed in the attack.

That's Harry's News.

Tuesday 21 February 2012



Many of you will have heard of the IDEA project that is currently touring all the day services in Aberdeenshire. To learn more click on the above link to watch the DVD.


Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday (also known as Pancake day) is the day preceding Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. Shrove Tuesday is observed mainly in English speaking countries, especially Ireland, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand and Canada but is also observed in Philippines and Germany. Shrove Tuesday is linked to Easter, so its date changes on an annual basis. In most Traditions the day is known for the eating of pancakes before the start of lent. Pancakes are eaten as they are made out of main foods available, sugar, fat, flour and eggs, whose comsumption was traditionally restricted during the ritual fasting associated with lent. In the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Canada Shrove Tuesday is commonly known as Pancake Day or Pancake Tuesday due to the Tradition of eating pancakes on the day. This tradition comes from a time where any rich foods were eaten in the day before Lent, and fasting, begins. Margaret at Banff day services is making sweet and sour pancakes for Shrove Tuesday.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Banff Buzz - Jennifer's Placement

Today was my third involvement with the writers of the Banff Buzz Magazine. The writers have been extremely busy organising lots of fascinating interviews with local people in the community. The service users have been developing lots of questions for there interviews and typing them up on the computer. They are all well trained on using the video camera and like to put their interviewee’s in the spotlight by filming them and playing it back to the rest of the service users. Alan and Stuart have also been very busy and enthusiastic about phoning local businesses to promote the magazine. During my placement I have been involved with B.E.A.T and Boyndie visitor centre, I have been made to feel very welcome by all the service users and the staff. I have had a very positive experience so far, and I look forward to the next four weeks of my placement.

Friday 10 February 2012

Banff Buzz at the Lifeboats, Macduff

We were at the life Boat station in macduff on Thursday to interview Chas findlay for the Banff Buzz.

We looked around the life boat station and then saw the lorry with the lifeboat on it. Chazzy gave us keyrings and pens. It was a very good trip . writing by stuart Stephen

Monday 6 February 2012

Spelling/ Punctuation/ Grammar Games


Great games to improve your grammar, punctuation and spelling...on the BBC site.

citizen leadership/ advocacy

This morning in advocacy / citizen leadership we discussed the good employee and the good employer .
We had to think of eight qualities of the good employee and think of skills that some of my colleagues already have such as speaking to new people, following instructions, and ability to
co-operate with others. We also had a test on health and safety signs. It was good.

Friday 3 February 2012

Harry's News

In Harry's news this week, in Egypt about 75 people have been killed during a football game riot. The riot happened at the end of the game when rival fans of each football team stormed on to the pitch trying to attack the other rival fans football team. The football teams and the referees luckily managed to escape by running out of the stadium. The death toll was 75 people killed and over a dozen injured during the riot. The Egyptian government has sacked the head of police for not having enough security at the stadium where the riot happened.
The Egyptian police are trying to find the people responsible for the riot and the deaths.

That's Harry's News.

BOyndie food hygiene certificate presentation

I PUT These pictures on the Blog.

I got my certificate for my health and hygiene course for the kitchen at Boyndie. 19 of us were awarded with the certificate yesterday. Paul Mitchell

Thursday 2 February 2012

news from Boyndie

Here are the new tractor-planters that the wood-work group has made.

Do you like them?

My opinion's great!

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Welcome Jennifer to the Banff Buzz

Happy New Year to everyone, I am Jennifer Irvine and I am a 2nd year social work student at Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen. I am currently on placement for eight weeks at Banff Employment Support Team and thoroughly enjoying it. I went to spend a day at Banff Day Service with the writer’s of the Banff Buzz Magazine to get an idea of how the magazine comes together. All the writers have superb ideas about what they want to put in the magazine and are very enthusiastic about getting the work done. The writers take responsibility of phoning or emailing the people that they want to interview and arrange interview dates. I was surprised at how motivated all the writer’s were, as they needed very little encouragement from Emma. I was extremely happy to see that the writer’s ensure that everyone in the group is involved and everyone is given a task to do. I think the magazine that they produce a wonderful magazine and I could clearly see that the writer’s take a lot of pride in their work. I’m hoping that I have the opportunity to go back and work with the writer’s in the next few weeks to see how their magazine is developing.